The Fibro Solution
The HUB for all things Fibromyalgia.
Guided 6 WEEK Course
This is the course I wish I had to help me with managing my Fibromyalgia. It is designed for those that want to change their life, that are sick of being misunderstood; feel like they are losing time and letting down their loved ones. If you're ready to take back your life and find joy in living again, you're in the right place.
- You must vow that you will stay consistent and see your action plan through.
- You must commit to improving your mindset and attitude.
- We are here to encourage each other. Having Fibromyalgia is very difficult, very few people understand what it's like, the people inside this course are among the few that do.
- Stay open minded and listen to your body.
- Weekly Classes with Kylie that include Q&A, Course guidance, Lessons, And More.
- A Personal Individualized Action Plan for the next 365 days.
- The Fibro Solution: Program (Complete)
-100+ Videos (Educational, Exercises, Stretches, Yoga, Meditation)
- The Fibro Solution: Workbook & Book
- Meal Plans
- A Comprehensive Approach To Managing Life With Fibromyalgia