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- The COMPLETE Program we use with our in person clients and online clients.



- 150+ Videos

- The Fibro Solution Workbook

- COMPLETE Action Plan

- 10 years of experience and research                             packed into a program.

- Educational, Workouts, Stretching.                               Meditation, Yoga, AND MUCH MORE


The CONDENSED version of our Program. 50 hand selected videos to get you started.



- 85+ of the best TFS Program videos

- Basic Action Plan

- 10 years of experience and research                                  packed into a program.

- Educational, Workouts, Stretching.                                   Meditation, Yoga, AND MUCH MORE

Take A Closer Look

At TFS We believe healing Fibromyalgia requires a comprehensive approach. That means we don't only focus on the Physical aspects of Fibromyalgia, but the Mental and Emotional aspects

as well. 


Fibromyalgia Education


Mental Health Tips


Mindset & Motivation

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Fibro Friendly Exercises


Fibro Friendly Stretches


Fibro Friendly Diets

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Why Fibro Education?

           In order to heal your Fibromyalgia you must first understand what it is. You need to understand why you are getting these symptoms and what is causing them. Once you figure out that you can carefully put together an action plan with the in depth guide provided in the program. Trying to heal Fibromyalgia without truly understanding it is like trying to fly a plane but the control room in 1,000 unmarked buttons that look exactly the same. 

           That's why we spend so much time in the program diving into what Fibromyalgia really is. We put the years of trial and error in so you don't have to.


Why Exercise?

Keeping your body in motion is a core tenant to healing your Fibromyalgia symptoms

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